(image source: http://www.beautysnob.com/2009/04)
The utilizing of blogs by newspaper businesses can generate an evolution of an interesting relationship between conventional journalism and blogging (Naughton 2006). Newspapers businesses should blog because it increases their legitimacy and connects them with more people through referrals and networking. Not only does it connect them with new readers, it also keeps the old readers loyal, thus boosting the number of readers of that company (Baltatzis 2006). There are already many newspapers that started their own blogs, for example, Financial Times’ FT Alphaville, and Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital. These blogs are good at reporting news and interacting with their commuities in a lively way, and it is anything but complex, for both the readers and the bloggers (Legrand 2010).
Wall Street Journal's blog, Allthingsd.com
It is important that we equip ourselves with knowledge regarding media and communication, so we can survive the greater complexity of tomorrow’s media. Just like how big and complex organizations use blogs to fight complexity (Legrand 2010).
blogging saves time and energy as compared to newspaper journalism
(image source: http://onlinejournalismblog.com/2008/09/30/its-time-to-relieve-the-stress-of-rss-newspapers-make-your-own-readers/)
Baltatzis, P 2006, Is Blogging Innovating Journalism?, Innovation Journalism, Vol. 3, No. 4.
Legrand, R 2010, Newsrooms Should Use Blogs to Battle Bloat, Complexity, Media Shift 22nd April, as viewed 13th November 2010, < http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2010/04/newsrooms-should-use-blogs-to-battle-bloat-complexity112.html >.
Naughton, J 2006, Blogging and the emerging new media ecosystem, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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